Monday, February 2, 2009

Wooo! Groundhogs!!!

Happy Groundhog Day! And you know, I think I'll celebrate hedgehogs today as well. All in the hog family, you know? :)

Today is also my parents kind-of anniversary. I can never remember their actual date of marriage, so I just tell them Happy Anniversary today. (Because today is the day that my dad asked my mom to marry him--because he couldn't wait for Valentine's Day to ask. I like this day better anyway, it's much more original.) So, because I'm writing this the day BEFORE Groundhog's Day and just setting it to post itself at the exact moment the celebration begins, I have no clue if little furry Pete or Patches or Gary, or whatever that little Groundhog's name is, saw his shadow. My prediction on the remainder of winter though, is that more winter weather is on the way, though probably not 6 weeks of it. Your prediction? Your new name for what's-his-face in Punxsutawney, PA? Your rant-lettes about the movie "Groundhog Day" and all the other movies that have ripped off the basic plot? TELL ME IN A COMMENT! (Wow, this makes the top 5 list of the shortest posts I've ever written.)


Anonymous said...

thats really cute that your dad asked your mom to marry him on groundhogs day. i wonder if the groundhog saw it's shadow? because if it turned out that it was going to be long winter, then he could have been like it's an omen!!! our love will be long like the winter but warm like fuzzy socks and fireplaces!!! that would have been cool.

already_in_the_air said...

That would have been cool! That is also an awesome analogy: LOVE IS LIKE FUZZY SOCKS!!! :)

Anonymous said...

that should be a famous quote.