Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kinz's Hair and One Bowl Brownies

Yep, I totally stole this title from one of my BFF's blog titles. ( it for a reference. very cool.) However, this is about her hair and brownies, unlike her post which happened to be about my hair and brownies. Entirely different, am I right? No, I didn't think so either.

Anyway, I'll talk about the brownies first. I went to Kroger (it's so cold out I had to have my dad drive me--it was TWELVE BELOW ZERO out. Probably lower by now.). I bought a pack of Low-Fat brownie mix. (My ethics won't let me use product placement, even where it doesn't matter, so I will not tell you the brand. If you guess, I will still not tell you.) I came home to make said brownies, and realized I did not have the Low-Fat kind, but instead the regular kind from the same brand, which turns out they have less calories, less fat, more mix, and bigger serving sizes anyway. Go figure. They are baking at the moment and I am praying I have not missed the timer and that they are not burning.

Now on to more important matters: Kinsey's hair. Somehow in the lunch line today, we were discussing moving to Texas. I have no clue why. (Because it's warm? Because it's far away? Help me here Kinz!!!) Anyway, I said no we can't move to Texas, that's right by the Golf of Mexico where people smuggle in drugs, and they'll plant our purses and socks with ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES!!!!! And this led to a few other aspects of that discussion that I now only remember a few vague parts of and I won't rack my mind for every little detail anyway--because I could, I just don't want to. And now I have fully realized that my friend Kinsey's awesome curly hair is so distractingly perfect and bouncy and fun to mess with that that is the reason she never gets into trouble--her hair catches the attention of whoever caught her doing something evil and they couldn't focus well enough to stop her until she got away. OF COURSE!!! Either that, or she is truly the saint-like image of perfection that everyone--including myself--believes she is. Darn it, all my friends have to be better than me, don't they?!?!?! Haha, kidding. (About me being upset that is--of course you are all a billion-kajillion and 8.75 times more wonderful than myself, it goes without saying.) Oh, frick it, I forgot the brownies!!!


Avian Fang said...

I really wonder if those brownies turned out all right because it would be a real shame if they didn't. And are you serious this brand's regular has less fat, and calories then the low fat. That's just stupid, and somehow delicious.
mmmmmmm brownies, now I am hungry. :)

Fly on

Avian Fang

already_in_the_air said...

Yep, I thought the brownies were OK-ish. Everyone else said they were good, too--which was nice of them, because brownies and cornbread are the only two foods I've ever tried to make that haven't turned out well. Now I just need to make non-burned cornbread and I will be happy. :)

And yes, the regular brand had 100 cals compared to the low-fat 110, 20 cals from fat compared to the 35 or so of the low-fat brand. I'd write the company a letter, but honestly I don't think they'd fix anything. Although it may have been a misprint on the box, which would suck because maybe they meant 210 cals per serving. I guess it's too late now though, because they're almost gone.

Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! thank you for writing about me and my hair!!!! I owe everything to my hair!!!! (and you. of course you. that is always implied!!!)

p.s. we were talking about texas because texas is the most awesomest place in the whole world!!!!!! except maybe europe. BUT in the U.S. texas is the best place ever!!!! GO TX!!!!

already_in_the_air said...

Yay! I think....

KatsuXpastry said...

am *I* a better person than you...?