Friday, January 2, 2009

What do Trees do in their spare time?

If you bothered to read the title of this post, you know what I'm wondering (and don't ask why I'm wondering--I have no clue, except it may have something to do with orange juice and Google and oatmeal bars that taste like strawberries and I really don't know) and if you DIDN'T read the title, you should probably do that right now because that's what friends are for. Also, you perhaps may have an answer, which I'd appreciate very much. Or you mayn't (that is MY WORD, you may NOT-NOT-NOT use it!!! IT IS COPYRIGHTED!!!!!!!! yes that is selfish. I am trying not to care.) have a clue at all. I only have a vague idea, but that will not be revealed at this time. I may include a cartoon to explain my idea thoroughly. I mayn't though, so I also encourage you to say your own idea, which will likely create a better picture in your mind than my explanation.

Why did I decide to write this? I don't know. What is it that trees do in their spare time? I don't know. Why am I posting these question up, only to answer them myself? I HAVE NO CLUE!!!!!! Now, please, nice sane readers, answer the tree question and I'll pretend to be sane again.


deranged_cheese said...

it's simple cat. in their spare time trees plot their revenge against us for destroying so many forests just so we have wood to make endtables that no one uses and paper that we just waste anyway.

already_in_the_air said...

NICE answer!!! (I totally find it believable.) Yet merely plotting seems somehow too passive for a tree.... I have always found trees to be active participants in the carrying out of their own schemes. :)

deranged_cheese said...

grr how do I follow your blog?! I don't see a button or something on it or on your profile! and as for the trees...hmm...maybe they are secretly spreading their roots under all the houses and buildings and one day they will come out of the ground and crush them. that'd be a weird sight.

already_in_the_air said...

Yes, it would. And as I have abslutely no clue how to follow anyone's blog, I cannot help you follow mine. Kinsey can though! (Why do I have such brilliant people for friends who can figure out stuff I can't? This is definitely going to be discussed with a psychotherapist later in life!!!)

deranged_cheese said...

who are you calling brilliant? i am not brilliant, but i agree about kinsey. i hv the IQ of a cricket turd compared to you and kinsey, cuz you're both in humanities

already_in_the_air said...

You could've been in Humanities, you just didn't want to do the Summer reading or all the extra-hard work!!! Speaking of which, I probably should be finishing a book report right now....

Avian Fang said...

Tree's are their to steal from us all of our kites, balls, Frisbee and cats (though cats are notorious escape artists) Also whenever a child climbs to high in a tree the tree might *accidentally* knock him off. Also I heard they have something to do with air but that's probably rubbish.

P.S Check out my blog.

Avian Fang

already_in_the_air said...

Nice theory!!! (The accidently being pushed off being the TREE'S fault explains so many of my childhood head injuries....) And you are right. I have heard that most of the air we breath is actually NITROGEN, instead of the useless oxygen trees run around producing. :)

Going to see your blog right now!!! :)

Anonymous said...

All of you are wrong!!! Trees would never be evil like that!!! Trees spend their spare time sending nicely worded e-mails (no paper for them!!!) to the government and signing petitions to make the world a better place such as the e-mails requesting that the US government help the dali llama and his fellow peoples. also they want to get rid of nuclear weapons and when those people give children guns and brainwash them and make them kill people and fight in wars and stuff.

p.s. and when they aren't doing these things,they are being hugged!

already_in_the_air said...
