Sunday, December 14, 2008


I didn't cry when they cut my hair. The lady was very nice, and she put my hair into ponytails, (my hair is thick enough that I could give two ponytails of hair to Locks of Love. I could have done four if I wanted--twenty inches from each side of my head, but I wanted some length left.) and she was very quick. I closed my eyes and snip-snip-snip. All done. Then came the straightening followed by styling. She did a few tiny feathery layers at the very ends of my hair to give it "movement". Then she parted it on one side, and voila. I was done.

I have decided not to include any pictures. They would have gone here if I had felt that any of them were worth putting up, but no picture could tell you what changed me yesterday. Nothing, no words can explain, or attempt to explain, what I feel right now.I'm not even sure how I feel myself exactly. Conflicted, maybe. In turmoil, if that phrase can be applied. Confused; that is a word which will almost always sum up any of my emotions. However, it cannot show the quintessence of this situation. {Yes, I DID just use one of Mr. S.'s favorite words, then his absolute least favorite word in that sentence--whoops, did it again! :) }

It feels so weird. I can't even tell you. At first I was confused, because I thought losing four pounds (yes, FOUR POUNDS) of hair off my head would make me light-headed. Then I found out that it was my whole body that felt light, like I'm not tethered to this Earth anymore. I can't get over it, because I feel like I lost part of me or something. Pathetic right? Hair is dead anyway, so why does it feel like I've lost my breathing soul?


KatsuXpastry said...

but u hav given a bit of soul to someone with cancer! that should make a religious, concience bound, morally tethered person like yourself feel good inside!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! At least you know that you are helping someone who does not have any hair at all!! Even though you are losing your hair, you are gaining their gratitude and love!!! Your hair looks fabulous by the way!!! =D

already_in_the_air said...

Thank you both!!! Kia, you're very kind words are true, I should be happy to help others no matter the personal sacrifice. You too Kinz! You guys are such awesome friends!!! And you know, I gave hair to RWO people, not one. The hair cutting lady said my hair was thick enough that that was OK. I'm a happy person, really. : )

Smilies for my two bestest BFFs to comment!