Sunday, October 26, 2008

Epiphany of a Hippie

Yep, my idea to be dead Snow White was cool, except for that the only costume of her I could find didn't come with a wig and was freaking $85!!!!! Alright, I exaggerated a little bit. It was only $84.99. But you get the picture. And it didn't even come with a wig!!! So I bought a MUCH cheaper hippie costume instead, and it was SOOO much more fun than being a princess! (I went to a Halloween party.) Moving on....

Okay, if you actually bothered to read the title, you'll be wondering what my epiphany was. If you aren't wondering, than you didn't read my title and so GO READ IT RIGHT NOW!!! Anyway, my epiphany was truly amazing, and cleared up what I thought was to be a lifetime of confusion. The word "extraordinary" (mean very special, wonderful, amazing, beyond expectations, etc.) has been a serious source of befuddlement for me for quite some time now, due to its word parts being "extra" and "ordinary", as in "especially" "normal", which is the opposite of its meaning, right? So then I started thinking about latin prefixes/suffixes/roots etc., and it hit me in a way that made me literally gasp in front of my science class (but in a quiet way so no one heard) that "ex" means NOT, or OUT OF and "tra" would be THE and "ordinary" is "normal", so it literally means OUT OF THE NORM!!!!! : )

 There's my brilliant literary analysis of the week, as of Thursday, October 23rd in the year 2008 ad. Which I bet very few of you know stands for anno domini, NOT "after death" what on Earth anno domini means, I have no clue. You tell me please!

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