a) click back to where you came from. (for readers under 13)
or b) decide whether you really WANT to know and base your choice on that. (everyone else)
Abortion is typically a very taboo subject, but I feel the need to know exactly how other people feel about killing babies. YES abortion is REMOVING and thus MURDERING a living, breathing, feeling human baby inside you (well... inside a pregnant woman). As I love all people, I am against abortion even in the cases of rape/incest, because taking a human life is wrong under any circumstances, as it is not the fetus's fault that a woman is pregnant with him or her. What brings this up is the election of the new President of the USA, who will be chosen on Nov. 4 this year. I don't know if you know who Obama and McCain are, but in short: Obama will legalize abortion. McCain is against it and will try to save children who's mothers wish to remove them from life before taking their first breath. I tried to make this as little opinionated as possible, but I may have failed. Tell me what you think anyway, 'cuz I'd like to know how much of the world is in a similar mindset as me!