Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pluto is SO a Planet!

Just figured I'd tell everyone: Pluto is, has always been, and always will be a planet! Pluto is my favorite planet, followed by Neptune, and I don't care what those stupid and crazy scientists decided! About 25 trillion (or 25,000 million, however you prefer to read it) years from now, when the first three planets closest to the sun are swallowed by the sun, people will be GRATEFUL Pluto is a planet! GRATEFUL! (*Note: please see end of my previous post for other comments about "grateful". Seriously, go look!) Although, no one will probably be around because either we'll be:

a) an extinct species
b) dead of heat stroke, every one of us, or
c) uncaring of exactly which planet is which anymore.

Whatever the reasoning, I just hope that SOMEDAY people will realize that PLUTO IS THE BEST PLANET EVER.

Sorry if I've ranted about this before, but I had to again. If I didn't rant about this before on this blog, the subject has probably come up in casual conversation at least. If you're sick of it, say "aye"! No, not really. I'll steal your keyboard before you can type it.

1 comment:

already_in_the_air said...

Thank you so much! I did read a few of your posts, and I think I have a clearer view of the Pluto Situation now. I'm glad to read that many people are standing against the Pluto demotion, and I am very happy to learn about the Pluto Days that have been established--particularly the one on March 13 (as my birthday, it is one of my favorite days, I'm happy that I can share it with Pluto!).

Thank you extremely, I will continue reading your Pluto Blog to find ways to support Pluto in being fully recognized!