Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh, Dear Goodness

No, I did not say "Dear Goodness" because it's the name of my pen pal-- I said that because I think I'm going BLIND!!!!! OK, no I'm not really going blind... but it got your attention, didn't it?

I got out of school early today (early release for teacher training or something) and you know what? I have no clue what. This post is more useless than my typical every-day post. Not that I type every day, but I used "every-day" to mean "ordinary". Isn't it funny how people say things like that? Not in the "haha, tears-in-the-eyes, laugh my guts out" way, but more like the "that's kinda weird and/or interesting" funny way.

So my parents got a new computer. Yay them. Actually, it's more like "Yay me" because there's a Photo Booth on it, so I can take photos of myself with the computer. Except, the flash makes my skin look all pale and washed out (more so than normal) and you can't tell I ever once had a tan. I hate that--I spend hours and days and WEEKS risking skin cancer to tan, and what do I get? A little bit of a fake-y-looking orange glow for maybe two weeks before it all goes away.I give up. No more tanning for me EVER. The lighter shade of my hair stays longer though, thank goodness. Plus, in the photos (because of the bright flash) my typically hazel-blue-green-grey eyes are an unrealistic Windex color blue. Not joking. You know, I wish I had brown eyes. Brown eyes are so pretty, and I'm seriously jealous of people with brown eyes....

Anyway, I'm thinking about posting an actual photo of myself. Maybe. Though if I do, I'm afraid people will either say I'm ugly, or be total creepers and stalk me. But what's life without risk, you know? It would just be... a bunch of events in succession that a person happens to go through on a daily basis with only minor altercations.

Is your life boring? Tell me about it... Really, I'd like to know that I'm not the only one.


KatsuXpastry said...

oh cat. my life is so boring. i mean, every day when i was a kid i would be so excited to get up in the morning just to see the world! but now i cant stand it. its like a prison. its killing me....

already_in_the_air said...

No, that's the air pollution mixed with water pollution, bird flu, stolen kidneys, and a hint of food poisoning. Or maybe I'm just smelling my brother's socks. And I like your new profile pic by the way... very funny. : )

Anonymous said...

I just got a blog thing!!!! I feel included now and not just one of those people you see wandering around with that lost look who have no idea where they're going but keep walking anyway because if they stop then they would have to pretend to tie their shoes but they are wearing the kind of shoes with no laces just the little elastic things but it's not like anyone would notice anyway which is kind of the whole point.

already_in_the_air said...

Oh, poor shoelace-less wanderers, have nothing to fear! I'm like your distant cousin--I pretend to tie OTHER people's shoelaces! And they still don't notice.... Even when their shoes mysteriously wind up on the roof of my (or my neighbor's) house!

glad you're here kinkat!

Anonymous said...

That is awetastic that we could possibly be related even if distantly!!! It sounds like you could be an evil villain. You would go around tieing people's shoelaces together and when they stand up to walk away, they fall over on their face and roll around in the dirt like when lady bugs are stuck on one side and try to turn over. Then you could take over the world while everyone is rolling around helplessly.

already_in_the_air said...

And you shall be my accomplice whose duty it is to make sure my own shoes are not tied. MMMMWWWAAAA-HA-HA-HAAAA! OK, that was weird of me. You know "weird" isn't the only exception to the "i before e except after c" rule. Also "seized" is. I think it's any word that has an i and an e AND they sound like "e". Weird!!! : P

Anonymous said...

we could go around seizing weird shoelace-less people!!!

already_in_the_air said...

It's definitely on my schedule. We can put together a convention and everything!