Sunday, November 2, 2008

Accents, Among Other Things

I have just put in that lovely new poll on the right there.... Well, you should totally vote on it. I don't care if you already have, vote again! But I have something to ask: Why is it British accents are SO COOL? If you're British, you should make a recording of yourself and put it on YouTube, because I'd totally listen to you for hours on end, I love your accent that much (seriously, I really do!). I don't have an accent--Well, I have an "American accent", which to me is none at all. Sometimes I talk with a Southern accent. Not like a deep-South one from Georgia, just a light one from the whole NC-VA-SC area.

Also: it is totally unfair that French people can't have lisps just because their entire language doesn't include the "th" sound. But I won't hold that against you if you are French. I love the French language, it's the only one I know enough to awkwardly converse in besides English....

If you have an accent or can fake one or can fluently/partially almost fluently speak another language, tell me in a comment!!! : )


KatsuXpastry said...

cat! u stole my poll!

already_in_the_air said...

Yes, of course I did. But it is different as far as both the question and style. So really, I only took the website you got your poll from. Which you didn't create. Plus, your poll SAID "Create Your Own Poll" on this little button and I just clicked and was totally amazed by everything...You know I can't think through a haze of amazement! I can't think under some of the BEST circumstances!!!